“Study on the sustainability of Algarve tourism to be presented in Faro”
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More information in Barlavento
October 2021:
November 2021:
December 2021:
April 2022:
June 2022:
October 2022:
November 2022:
December 2022:
January 2023:
May 2023:
July 2023:
September 2023:
December 2023:
November 2022:
April 2023:
“Perceção dos Residentes sobre os Impactos do Turismo, Satisfação com a Atividade Turística, Bem-Estar Individual e Comportamentos Pró-Turismo: Análise de Relações Estruturais para o Caso do Algarve”.
August 2023:
“Behaviours and Perceptions of Tourists and Residents of the Algarve: A Contribution to Enhancing its Sustainable Development”.
September 2023:
“Determinants of tourists’ loyalty: a descriptive study of a coastal tourist destination”
November 2021:
– Global Virtual INSTO meeting on Governance;
October 2022:
– Debate Algarve+Sustainable (initiative of the Algarve Tourism Region and Vicentina – Association for the Development of the Southwest, with the collaboration of the Municipality of Aljezur);
– INSTO Annual Meeting;
November 2022:
– TMS ALGARVE 2022 Conference: Sustainability Challenges in Tourism, Hospitality and Management, with the presentation of four communications:
1) “Assessing Sustainable Tourism development in the Algarve through Tourists’ perception on tourism impact”;
2) “Assessing Sustainable Tourism development in the Algarve through Residents’ perception on tourism impact”;
3) “Sustainable Tourism Observatory platform development”;
4) “An assessment model of the Algarve as a tourism destination: a contribution for management its sustainable development”;
December 2022:
– First INSTO Insights Webinar on Measurement of Local Satisfaction at the Destination;
– Participation in a study on the Observatories of the INSTO network developed by the Sustainable Tourism Observatory of Tyrol;
April 2023:
– XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, with the presentation of a communication [in Portuguese]: “Perceção dos Residentes sobre os Impactos do Turismo, Satisfação com a Atividade Turística, Bem-Estar Individual e Comportamentos Pró-Turismo: Análise de Relações Estruturais para o Caso do Algarve”;
August 2023:
– 7th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Management (ICSTM 2023), with the presentation of a communication: “Behaviours and Perceptions of Tourists and Residents of the Algarve: A Contribution to Enhancing its Sustainable Development”;
September 2023:
– European Marketing Academy – EMAC Regional Conference 2023 (EMAC 2023), with the presentation of a communication: “Determinants of tourists’ loyalty: a descriptive study of a coastal tourist destination”.